
DIO S - Byzantine Call/Deisis

This is the new Shango Records single "Byzantine Call/Deisis" by Dio S that comes with gentle remixes by the likes of Seldjan Dervish, Slow Nomaden and Beyhude. Let the beauty of this music take over your entire senses.

This is what the artist/label says about the release:

After everything had quietly sifted through my head a great peace came over me. Here, where the river gently winds through the girdle of hills, lies a soil so saturated with the past that however far back the mind roams one can never detach it from its human background. Before my eyes shimmered such a golden peace that only a neurotic could dream of turning his head away. So quietly flows the water that one hardly notices its presence. It is always there, quiet and unobtrusive, like a great artery running through the human body. In the wonderful peace that fell over me it seemed as if I had climbed to the top of a high mountain: for a little while I would be able to look around me, to take in the meaning of the landscape. Human beings make a strange fauna and flora. From a distance they appear negligible, close up they are apt to appear ugly and malicious. More than anything they need to be surrounded with sufficient space-space even more than time. The sun is setting. I feel this river flowing through meets past, its ancient soil, the changing climate. The hills gently girdle it about, its course is fixed.